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Hospital de Torrevieja

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Road Cv95 Sn


Torrevieja Alicante


Tel: 96572200

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The Torrevieja Department professionals welcome and express a commitment that is also a must: meet with maximum efficiency and equity needs and expectations of health and population welfare.

The template that integrates Torrevieja-Health is comprised of a multidisciplinary group of professionals with a high level of professional skills training. Our daily work is aimed to achieve maximum satisfaction of our patients and professionals, achieving professional excellence by implementing policies , systems and processes aimed at our greatest asset: the patient. thus strategic management principles to Health Torrevieja are characterized by efficient resource management, with motivated professionals.


Hospital de Torrevieja
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  • Hospital de Torrevieja
  • Hospital de Torrevieja
  • Hospital de Torrevieja
  • Hospital de Torrevieja
  • Hospital de Torrevieja
  • Hospital de Torrevieja
  • Hospital de Torrevieja
  • Hospital de Torrevieja
  • Hospital de Torrevieja