902 906 192

Need a number for a Business or Service?

Call our Telephone Directory Enquiries line.
We're fast, friendly and efficient


Every day, hundreds of people obtain information and reach the business and service they need by using “The Directory For You”.

They can access your business information by simply going on-line, calling our 24hr Telephone Directory Enquiries Service 902 906 192, or by using the more traditional method of our Printed Directory.

Our courteous operators are ready to give our customers information on a business or service they need or by going on-line they have access to high accuracy web content which offers more useful features and benefits than any other directory service available in Spain.  We also produce bi-annually a handy compact size printed directory which is specially designed for those who prefer a more traditional approach.

We are the ONLY Directory Enquiries Service in Spain whose services are available in English, on-line, on the phone and in print! It is for this reason that we are THE FIRST choice for customers when they are searching for a business or service